No momento em que Facebook aproxima os 600 milhões de utilizadores, Marketing Zuckerberg foi eleito “2010 Person of the Year”, tornando-se a segunda pessoa mais nova a receber este título, e segundo informações online, deixando Julian Assange de fora (People’s Choice Award).
Incluímos a entrevista com managing editor da Time, Rick Stengel, onde Zuckerberg teve a oportunidade de falar sobre privacidade, WikiLeaks e a sua mais recente decisão de doou grande parte da sua fortuna para instituições de caridade.
“At a higher level some of the themes may be connected”
– Mark Zuckerberg sobre WikiLeaks
E porque é que Time escolheu Mark Zuckerberg?
“The way we connect with one another and with the institutions in our lives is evolving. There is an erosion of trust in authority, a decentralizing of power and at the same time, perhaps, a greater faith in one another. Our sense of identity is more variable, while our sense of privacy is expanding. What was once considered intimate is now shared among millions with a keystroke.
More than anyone else on the world stage, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is at the center of these changes. Born in 1984, the same year the Macintosh computer was launched, he is both a product of his generation and an architect of it. The social-networking platform he invented is closing in on 600 million users. In a single day, about a billion new pieces of content are posted on Facebook. It is the connective tissue for nearly a tenth of the planet. Facebook is now the third largest country on earth and surely has more information about its citizens than any government does. Zuckerberg, a Harvard dropout, is its T-shirt-wearing head of state.”
Mark Zuckerberg respondeu no seu blogue:
“Being named as TIME Person of the Year is a real honor and recognition of how our little team is building something that hundreds of millions of people want to use to make the world more open and connected. I’m happy to be a part of that.”
Como é que Facebook alterou o seu ano de 2010? Deixe os seus comentários.
[…] em que Facebook aproximava-se dos 600 milhões de utilizadores, Mark Zuckerberg foi eleito “2010 Person of the Year”, tornando-se a segunda pessoa mais nova a receber este título, e segundo informações online, […]