Faltam menos de três semanas para a 7ª edição da The Next Web Conference. A TNW 2012 é uma das maiores e mais importantes conferencias de tecnologia para empreendedores, gestores, investidores e startups.
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Parte da conferencia de 3 dias é dedicada, com o apoio da Microsoft BizSpark, aos startups onde este ano 19 novos serviços vão ser apresentados e lançados perante uma audiência global, imprensa e investidores.
Das mais de 200 inscrições, 19 finalistas foram selecionados após um processo de seleção composto por três etapas.
“Dois dos maiores desafios que cada startup enfrenta são: em primeiro, atrair capital para conseguir que a empresa cresça e por segundo, aumentar a notoriedade perante os principais canais de media para os seus novos serviços” diz Patrick de Laive, cofundador do TNW. “O TNW Startup Rally fornece aos starups uma plataforma para superar ambos estes desafios”.
Esta competição está dividida em dois grupos – Alpha e Beta. O grupo Alpha consiste de novos serviços que se apresentam pela primeira vez, enquanto o grupo Beta consiste de serviços existentes que trazem novidades.
Um painel de experts, presidido pel CTO da Amazon, Werner Vogels, irá interrogar cada startup, classificando cada pitch para encontrar o finalista de 2012.
Estes são os startups que conseguiram fazer parte do grupo Alpha e Beta:
Alpha Rally
AppMotion: (Warsaw, Poland)
Quick pitch: “Think of it as Nintendo Wii, but with your iPad as a console and screen, and iPhone as a controller.”
DeadSocial (London, UK)
Quick pitch: “DeadSocial allows anyone to create scheduled messages. These are sent out via the social web after the user passes away.”
Folloyu (Even Yehuda, Israel)
Quick pitch: “We reduce website abandonment by enabling continuous browsing between devices.”
PlayerDuel (Tel Aviv, Israel)
Quick pitch: “Making games competitive.”
ROBIN (Wilp, Netherlands)
Quick pitch: “The best marketing is great service. Therefor Robin | interaction on the fly.”
SellanApp (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Quick pitch: “Crowdfunding app creation platform to transform all brilliant ideas into an actual mobile app.”
Snowciety (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Quick pitch: “Snowciety gathers data while you are skiing or snowboarding and provides you with insight into your and your friends progress and performance. We show you where you and your friends are on the slopes and offers real-time navigation to them or POIs.”
Tawkon (Tel Aviv, Israel)
Quick pitch: “Tawkon encourages a healthy lifestyle by monitoring radiation emissions in your mobile device, alerting you to make small changes in the way you’re talking to bring high radiation absorption down to safe levels… so you can talk on!”
Zapstreak (Poznan, Poland)
Quick pitch: “Zapstreak will put AirPlay into Android media apps (video, audio, photo). No hardware required.”
Beta Rally
6Scan (Tel Aviv, Israel)
Quick pitch: “The world’s first automated website protection suite.”
Babelverse (London, UK)
Quick pitch: “Babelverse is the first application for real-time voice translation, powered by a global community of human interpreters.”
Belladati (Prague, Czech Republic)
Quick pitch: “BellaDati cloud analyze retail business. Connect it in minutes to CRM, social networks, sales, marketing and get your customer insights now.”
Between (Seoul, South Korea)
Quick pitch: “Between is a mobile service that provides a secret place for lovers to communicate and keep their precious moments through chatting, sharing photos and memos.”
Hojoki (Chemnitz, Germany)
Quick pitch: “Make all your cloud apps work as one. Hojoki builds one newsfeed for all your productivity apps. See what’s happening and react instantly. Discuss your work in private groups.”
Nuji (London, UK)
Quick pitch: “With over 25,000 stores and 300,000 products, Nuji is creating a new type of social retail platform.”
Six3 (London, UK)
Quick pitch: “Six3 lets people send and reply to private video messages on smartphones, PCs & Macs. The richness of Skype video calls, with the convenience of SMS.”
Tripl (Stockholm, Sweden)
Quick pitch: “We connect people through the world of travel using big data.”
Waytag (StellenBosch, South Africa)
Quick pitch: “Linking addresses and GPS co-ordinates to user generated, managed and controlled, unique location tags called !waytags.”
Shelby.tv (New York City, USA)
Quick pitch: “Shelby is your place for video. It’s all the video your friends share, in one place… then Shelby gets smart, to give you personalized video on web, mobile, and smart TV.”
No dia anterior à sua apresentação, todos os startups vão ter formação profissional sobre pitching na RockStart.
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